
Dutch Elm Disease Prevention

Written by Russell Andrew in Plant /Tree Pest Control, Plant Healthcare

Elm trees are popular and can be majestic.  If you have an old one you love, Dutch Elm Disease can be scary.  This disease is caused by a…

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What is a Dormant (horticultural) Oil?

Written by Russell Andrew in Plant /Tree Pest Control, Uncategorized

What is dormant oil and how does it work? This is a very common question from our customers this time of year. The Northeastern Regional Pesticide Coordinators core…

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Seasons Greetings 2012


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Recognizing Ornamental Tree Scale Infestation

Written by Russell Andrew in Plant /Tree Pest Control, Plant Healthcare

From a distance, a white powdery scale infestation on your tree bark may look like a harmless lichen or tree fungus. Upon closer examination, you may see the…

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Repair of Snow Damaged Arborvitae or Hedge Row

New England heavy wet snow and ice can wreak havoc on evergreen trees and shrubs, particularly Arborvitae.  Many mature properties have Arborvitae rows planted for attractive screening from…

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Hemlock Health Care

Written by Russell Andrew in Plant /Tree Pest Control, Plant Healthcare

It’s that time of year. The Woolly Adelgid nymphs that appeared on your Hemlocks in July are beginning to feed to get ready to overwinter. This feeding can cause…

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